Does seeing an Orthopedic Surgeon mean I’m having surgery?
You have been experiencing pain in your joints or muscles for several months. You’re not sure if it’s serious enough to see a doctor, and you definitely don’t want to have surgery.
This is a reality many people face when they are injured or begin experiencing pain in their joints or muscles. Nobody wants to live with pain, but when your doctor, friend, family member or coworker suggests you see an orthopedic surgeon, it can be intimidating.
Surgery is just one of many possible treatment options when you visit OSMS. The orthopedic surgeons at OSMS specialize in musculoskeletal conditions that often can be managed without surgery. In fact, we operate on less than 30% of our patients at OSMS.
OSMS orthopedic surgeon Dr. Walker Flannery says that it’s helpful to see patients over time to better know the patient and their symptoms. This allows us to personalize the treatment plan and determine when and what exactly the best course of action will be.

What orthopedic services does OSMS offer?
The orthopedic team at OSMS treats a wide variety of operative and non-operative conditions, including wrist and hand conditions, shoulder and elbow pain, knee and leg injuries, foot and ankle problems and arthritis of joints.
“Treatments can range from medications, home exercise programs with regular low-impact exercise or physical therapy, bracing, injections, diet modifications, and surgery, with plans specific to each patient’s lifestyle and orthopedic issue,” Dr. Flannery says.
At OSMS, our orthopedic surgeons do not perform surgery unless it is absolutely necessary for the well-being of a patient. Surgery is more so used as a last resort if other treatment options have not caused functional improvement.
When should I see an orthopedic surgeon?
Dr. Flannery recommends that anytime pain or dysfunction of joints or muscles goes beyond a mild sprain or doesn’t improve with initial rest and over-the-counter pain medication, you should visit OSMS.
“Most mild strains and aches should improve within one to two weeks with general rest, ice and symptom management,” Dr. Flannery says. “If the problem persists beyond initial rest or if it is causing limping or functional limitations, then certainly come in.”
Things that are concerning and should always prompt a visit with an orthopedic specialist include falls, significant swelling, warmth, catching or locking at the injury site and inability to perform daily living activities such as dressing, doing hair or putting on socks or shoes.
Do I need a referral to see an OSMS orthopedic surgeon?
When it comes to referrals, it is very unlikely that you will need one to be seen by our doctors at OSMS. We offer an Acute Injury Clinic (AIC) at our Green Bay and Neenah clinics that allows patients to see a surgeon without an appointment and save up to 94% over an emergency room. The AIC specializes in same-day, walk-in care for urgent orthopedic needs such as fractures, sprains, lacerations and joint pain. Most insurance plans are accepted, and same-day X-ray, MRI and surgery is available if needed.

If you are experiencing pain but you are not sure if you should see an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Flannery encourages you to not hesitate, particularly if the symptoms mentioned above fit your situation.
“We’re happy to help patients,” Dr. Flannery says. “Reassurance often goes a long way to ease the mind, and it never hurts to have more information when it comes to your health.”
Dr. Flannery is seeing patients in the Green Bay and Marinette offices. Click here to schedule an appointment.