The Importance of Keeping Your Feet Healthy
According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, nearly eight out of ten people have experienced foot pain and those who suffer from chronic foot pain are significantly more likely to have pain in other parts of their body.

“Feet are easy to overlook but if you take care of them, it will make a big difference,” said Dr. Karl Henrikson, Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Specialist at Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Specialists (OSMS). “As we age, chronic foot pain and common foot problems such as tendinitis, bunions, and arthritis can increasingly limit your mobility.”
During National Foot Health Awareness Month, Dr. Henrikson wants to remind people of a few simple steps to keep your feet in the best shape possible.
- Keep a healthy weight. The more you weigh the greater the impact on your feet with each step you take. Being overweight can also increase arthritis or other problems in the foot.
- Wear good shoes. Choose supportive or comfortable shoes if you are on your feet a lot. If you are a runner or exercise regularly, invest in an athletic shoe to keep your feet as protected as possible to minimize the consistent impact on them.
- Keep your feet moisturized. The skin of the feet tends to get thinner and drier with age which, if not taken care of, can cause cracking, bleeding, or pain. Keep skin soft by rubbing moisturizing lotion into your feet after showers or baths.
- Practice good foot hygiene. Clean your feet in the shower or bath and dry them thoroughly when done. If you put nail polish on your toes, let the nails breathe for a few days after polish is removed before adding more.

If you experience foot or ankle pain on a regular basis or it impacts activities that you enjoy, then we would recommend being evaluated by an orthopedic foot and ankle specialist.
“Every patient I see is different,” said Dr. Henrikson. “I enjoy helping patients work through the many possibilities to determine the true cause of their foot pain and develop and individualized treatment plan.”
Treatments can include a combination of shoe and activity modifications, orthotic inserts or braces, medications, physical therapy, injections, and surgery.
According to Dr. Henrikson, some of the most common foot problems people experience include:
- Bunions: Bony lumps that develop on the side of your foot and at the base of your big toe. They are the result of a condition called hallux valgus, which causes your big toe to bend towards the other toes and become deformed. If symptoms carry on over a long period, your toe may need to be surgically corrected.
- Hammer toe: Hammertoes are a condition that develop when the knuckle joint towards the base of the toe assumes a bent posture, with the joint protruding upwards, and the tip of the toe pointing towards the ground. They may or may not be painful, but if they are problematic, then this typically requires surgery to correct.
- Arthritis: The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. This is where the cartilage covering the ends of your bones gradually roughens and becomes thin, and the bone underneath thickens. Arthritis can also be caused by damage from other rheumatic conditions, for example if you have rheumatoid arthritis, or if you’ve had a previous injury to the area. This leads to pain, swelling and occasional deformity of the joint. You may need surgery if your symptoms are severe.
If you or someone you know is experiencing one of these foot problems, you can schedule an appointment by visiting: Schedule an Appointment.