Category: Orthopedics
LIVE Q&A: Hip & Knee Joint Replacement Surgery with Dr. Douglas Miller
Board-certified orthopedic surgeon/hip and knee replacement specialist Dr. Douglas Miller presents a short seminar on hip and knee joint replacement surgery, then answers questions from viewers. Topics include anterior hip replacement surgery, posterior hip replacement surgery, knee replacement surgery, partial [...]
LIVE Q&A with Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Steven Schechinger
Board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Steven Schechinger answers questions about orthopedic conditions from arthritis to fracture care to joint replacement. This was previously recorded from a Facebook Live event.
LIVE Q&A: Common Foot Ankle Injuries with Dr. Karl Henrikson
Board-certified orthopedic foot and ankle specialist Dr. Karl Henrikson presents a short seminar on common foot and ankle injuries, then answers questions from viewers. Topics range from how to treat sprains and bunions to total ankle replacement surgery. This was [...]
Two injury-prone areas bow hunters should scout for
By Dr. Ben Zellner, hand-to-shoulder specialist, and OSMS physician owner Dr. Ben Zellner is a board-certified, fellowship-trained orthopedic hand-to-shoulder specialist. He is seeing patients at our Green Bay and Marinette clinics. Schedule an appointment with him here. Fewer things [...]
I have a torn ACL. Now what?
By Dr. Joel Hein, OSMS physician owner and board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Joel Hein is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon and OSMS physician owner. He is seeing patients at our Green Bay, Fox Valley and Marinette clinics. Schedule an appointment with him [...]
LIVE Q&A with Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. James Grace
Board-certified orthopedic surgeon and physician owner Dr. James Grace answers questions about orthopedic conditions ranging from when you should see an orthopedic surgeon to arthritis to total joint replacement. This was previously recorded from a Facebook Live event.