Category: Orthopedics
Why people should choose an orthopedic foot & ankle specialist
Why patients should choose an orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon Explained by Dr. Gregory Kirwan and Dr. Karl Henrikson Dr. Greg Kirwan, DO is a board-certified orthopedic foot and ankle specialist and physician owner at OSMS. He is seeing patients [...]
What is a partial knee replacement?
What is a partial knee replacement? By Dr. Walker Flannery, OSMS physician owner and orthopedic surgeon Dr. Walker Flannery is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon and OSMS physician owner. He is seeing patients at our Green Bay and Marinette clinics. Schedule [...]
Q&A with Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Walker Flannery
Dr. Flannery answers questions about orthopedic conditions from arthritis to fracture care to joint replacement, including the anterior hip replacement surgery. This was previously recorded from a Facebook Live event.
Heather’s I’m Back Story
Taking a walk, cooking a meal and going shopping for a new pair of shoes are normal, everyday activities that most people don’t think twice about. For Heather, however, she wasn’t able to do any of these things until this [...]
Osteoarthritis: Causes and Conservative Treatments
Osteoarthritis: Causes and Conservative Treatments By Dr. Joseph McCormick, Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Joseph McCormick is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon. He is seeing patients at our Appleton orthopedic office, located in Ascension NE Wisconsin – St. Elizabeth campus. Schedule an appointment [...]
Doctor, when can I return to driving after surgery?
Doctor, when can I return to driving after surgery? By Dr. Joseph McCormick, Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Joseph McCormick is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon. He is seeing patients at our Appleton orthopedic office, located in Ascension NE Wisconsin – St. Elizabeth [...]