Category: Orthopedics
Tom’s I’m Back Story
When there is a fire or someone has been in an accident, Tom likes to be first on the scene to help. As a firefighter he is. That’s why not being able to jump on the fire truck and respond [...]
A Heartfelt Thanks From a Patient
Editor's note: This letter was sent to Dr. Steven Schechinger. It is replicated below with permission from the author. This letter has not been modified and is our patient's own words. Dear Dr. Schechinger, As I write you today, with [...]
OSMS Opens New Orthopedic Clinic in Marinette
Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Specialists (OSMS) has opened a new state-of-the-art orthopedic clinic in Marinette. The clinic officially opened June 4, 2018. The 9,000 square-foot clinic is located at 1931 Marinette Avenue and features five exam rooms and ample room [...]
3 Common Methods for ACL Reconstruction
When you hear about a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), you typically think it’s an injury that only professional athletes get. But any active adult can suffer from a torn ACL. These injuries commonly occur during sudden stops, jumping or [...]
Theresa’s I’m Back Story
Theresa will always remember July 8, 2014 at 8:30 pm. She was halfway through her first season of working at a summer camp when a game of Great Escape almost changed her life. "I remember exactly how it happened, how [...]
3 Questions Active Adults Ask Orthopedic Surgeons
Being active as an adult is an important element to staying healthy. However, as we get older, being active in sports or fitness programs can seem to lead to nagging aches and even chronic pain. Watch this video from Dr. [...]