Rheumatic Diseases and Awareness with Dr. Afroz

September is Rheumatic Disease Awareness Month. Rheumatic diseases are chronic conditions that can affect people of all ages and disrupt daily life. Dr. Afroz helps spread awareness by explaining what types of rheumatic diseases there are and how she supports patients through their diagnosis and treatment process.

Why did you become a rheumatologist? 

“Thank you for your question. You know, over the years, as I was growing up, I saw my mom struggle with chronic arthritis and fibromyalgia. So, I was able to experience first-hand from a loved one what it means to struggle with a chronic condition. It would affect her daily life and the things that she was able to do with us. So, when I was training to become a doctor, I wanted to be in a field where I’m able to help those who are suffering from these chronic arthritis conditions. In fact, arthritis is actually one of the most common causes of morbidity in the United States. So, more than 53 million people in the US suffer from chronic arthritis, and more than half of the US adults struggling with arthritis are actually of working age. So, between the ages of 18 and 64. So, as a rheumatologist, I feel very fortunate to be able to help those who are suffering from these chronic conditions. And my goal is to help them get back to doing all the things that they love doing.”

What can your patients expect from you when you are treating them and helping them through their rheumatic disease that they’re dealing with?

“Patients can expect me to be a good listener. I think that’s one of the most important qualities that a doctor can have. And that’s what I expect out of my doctors. So, I want to make sure that I’m providing the same for my patients. I want to make sure that I’m in a partnership with my patients in their care. I want to listen to their concerns very thoroughly, come up with the right diagnosis, making sure that I’m understanding the impact that the disease is having on their activities of daily living. And I’m coming up with the best solution and treatment plan for their condition.”

This month is Rheumatic Disease Awareness Month – September. So, can you describe what rheumatic diseases are just so that we have an understanding of what that means?

“Rheumatic diseases a term that is used to describe conditions that not only affect the joints but also muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc. and there are many different kinds of arthritis, and they can all affect patients in their unique ways. So, one of the most common types of arthritis that you may have heard of is osteoarthritis. It’s a wear and tear type of arthritis that can affect patients as they grow older or with overuse, among other things. Beyond that, there are rheumatic conditions that are more inflammatory in nature. So, there are inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and claws and spinal itis, etc. and these conditions can actually affect patients of all ages. In addition, there are conditions like lupus, scleroderma, shoguns, vasculitis. And these conditions can go beyond the joints in the muscles and can also affect the internal organs.”

You mentioned a lot of different types of rheumatic diseases. Are you able to tell us what are the most common ones that you see and treat them?

“Some of the most common conditions that I tend to see in clinic are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and gout. And these are the inflammatory arthritis conditions that not only present with joint pain, but also joint swelling and prolonged stiffness in the morning. And it is very important to recognize these conditions early because without treatment that can lead to progressive joint damage and deformities, leading to functional difficulties over time.”

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