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Category: Torn Meniscus

Kaylie’s I’m Back Story

Many athletes suffer from an injury at some point during their career. However, for Kaylie, it was surprising when her injury was not improving from rehab. “I remember the doctor calling us and saying, 'I don't know how you were [...]

Sammie’s I’m Back Story

Sammie developed her love for basketball in second grade through the YMCA and her parents. Both of Sammie’s parents played college basketball and inspired her to play through her collegiate career. Sammie first injured her knee during practice. She hit [...]

Mira’s I’m Back Story

Think back to when you were 12 years old. What was your favorite thing to do? For Mira, it’s being active in things like gymnastics and soccer. Unfortunately, after doing a front handspring at gymnastics, she tore her meniscus. Little [...]

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