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Category: Total Joint Replacement

Doctor, when can I return to driving after surgery?

Doctor, when can I return to driving after surgery? By Dr. Joseph McCormick, Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Joseph McCormick is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon. He is seeing patients at our Appleton orthopedic office, located in Ascension NE Wisconsin – St. Elizabeth [...]

When is it time for a joint replacement?

When is it time for a joint replacement? by Dr. James Grace (recently retired) Over the years, total joint replacements have grown in popularity due to technological advancements, high success rates, the baby boomer population getting older, younger individuals [...]

Total Knee Replacement and the ACL

Is the ACL necessary for a successful total knee arthroplasty (replacement)? Recently, due to advertising, there has been considerable discussion about keeping the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in total knee arthroplasty (replacement). The item being advertised is a tibial (lower [...]

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