Category: Orthopedics
How much will my surgery cost?
It's a question we all ask (or at least think) when we are told we need a surgery. Unfortunately, getting an answer isn't always that easy. Here are two reason why it's hard to put a standard price sticker on [...]
10 Common Questions People Ask After Joint Replacement Surgery
Dr. James Grace, orthopedic surgeon, answers 10 of the most common questions people ask after having a joint replacement. Questions include: How long do I have to wear the compression socks? I hear a clicking in my new joint; is [...]
From the Clinic to Surgery in a Matter of Hours
Curtis lives in Wetmore, MI - about three hours away from Green Bay in the U.P. But when he broke his ankle at the end of February, and found out he needed surgery, Curtis chose to make the trip to [...]
Linda’s I’m Back Story!
Linda shares her I'm Back story. "I remember seeing my great grandmother with ace bandages wrapped around her knees and my grandmother having knee surgery. My aunt on the other side of the family had both knees replaced, one of [...]
The OSMS Procedure Room: A Quicker and Less-Expensive Option for Hand Surgery
The hospital used to be the only place people would go for surgery - no matter how big or small the procedure. Leading up to the surgery, there'd be several tests, and after, a couple days in the [...]
Understanding the Role of the Patient Advocate
We've all been there, the uncertain feeling in your stomach as you see a bill in the mail from a surgery you just had. You might hold your breath as you open it and scan to the total amount due [...]