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Shoulder and Arm Injuries & Conditions

Shoulder and Arm Injuries & Conditions

Shoulder and arm injuries can be as straightforward as a tendon tear or mysterious as frozen shoulder. Regardless of the type of injury, treatment options are available that can help relieve pain and restore mobility.

A shoulder injury doesn’t automatically mean you’ll need surgery. Many non-surgical treatment options are available to treat shoulder injuries such as AC separation and rotator cuff injuries. Keep reading and learn more about treatment options available for your shoulder or arm injury.

A shoulder separation involves the acromioclavicular joint (also called the AC joint) where the collarbone (clavicle) meets the highest point of the shoulder blade (acromion). It is most often caused from a fall directly onto the shoulder that injures the ligaments that surrounding the AC joint.

Frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, is a painful condition that can make it difficult, if not impossible to move your shoulder. It occurs when the shoulder capsule thickens and becomes stiff and tight and develops thick bands of tissue called adhesions.

Physical therapy that focuses on shoulder flexibility is the primary treatment for frozen shoulder. After a period of worsening symptoms, frozen shoulder tends to get better, although full recovery may take up to three years.

This condition mostly affects people between ages 40 and 60 and is more commonly seen in women. The cause is unknown, but people with diabetes, hyperthyroidism, Parkinson’s disease and cardiac disease are at higher risk.

A rotator cuff tear is a common injury that makes daily activities painful and difficult. There are two different types of tears. A partial tear occurs when the tendon is damaged but not completely severed while a full-thickness tear separates all of the tendons from the bone.

Rotator cuff tears may be caused by injury or degeneration, where the tendon gradually wears down from use over time. Repetitive shoulder movements, lack of blood supply and bone spurs can also factor in rotator cuff tears. People over 40 are at greater risk for this type of injury as are athletes who put a strain on their shoulder.

A shoulder joint tear, or glenoid labrum tear, is caused by injuries to the tissue rim surrounding the shoulder socket due to traumatic injury or repetitive shoulder motion.

Shoulder trauma is not uncommon. There are many types of shoulder injuries ranging from fractures (broken bones) to dislocations to torn ligaments, tendons and muscles.

Common causes of shoulder injuries include fractures from a direct blow to the area due to a fall, collision, or motor vehicle accident or dislocation due to forceful twisting, strong impact or heavy lifting.

Forearm bones can break in different ways. For example, the bone can crack just slightly, or break into a few or many pieces. The broken pieces of bone may line up straight or may be far out of place. If the bone breaks in such a way that bone fragments stick out through the skin or a exposes the broken bone,seek immediate medical attention because of the risk for infection. The most common causes of forearm fractures include a direct blow, a fall, or automobile accident.

The collarbone, or clavicle, is one of the main bones in the shoulder. Clavicle fractures are common and occur when a fall onto the shoulder or arm puts enough pressure on the bone that breaks. The bone may be slightly cracked or broken into many pieces.

Collarbone fractures are most often caused by a direct blow to the shoulder during a fall or a car collision. In babies, a clavicle fracture can occur during the passage through the birth canal.

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